The Degree Program

Information about the degree program

In this section you will find interesting facts about studying:

Information about the degree programs, current topics, information about examinations, reports about projects, excursions and other events, tips on (almost) all challenges of student life and much more. Our intention is to support you in your program, to help you deal with the various organizational requirements and pitfalls of everyday student life. We will also keep you informed about what is going on around your program and your university. Our goal is to help you study with enjoyment and success.
We strive to be up-to-date and interesting. Sometimes, however, life speeds up and sometimes interesting things will go unnoticed. We ask you to support us in always being up-to-date and to not missing anything essential. Give us your feedback, contact us. 

And please note:
Since 2019, you can enroll in either the winter or summer semester.

Compact information about the degree program


Flyer Ecotrophology (M.Sc.) (only in German)


Information about the degree program


Enrollment in the summer semester


Enrollment in the winter semester


Additional information


Downloads (only available in German)
