Changing Degree Programs or Universities

Changing Degree Programs

You are already enrolled at Anhalt University and want to change to a different degree program at our University?

Please submit your application via the SSC portal before the respective application deadline. Students of Anhalt University of Applied Sciences who have previously applied via uni-assist, please additionally upload the uni-assist evaluation report. After admission you will be enrolled int he new degree program.


Changing Universities

You would like to transfer from another university to Anhalt University? Changing universities means you will need to submit a regular application for the degree program using Anhalt University’s application portal


Good to know!

  • The coursework and exams from your previous studies can be recognized with your application. For more information, please contact the Examinations Office at the campus for your desired degree program. You can find more information here.
  • If you receive BAföG, you should make sure you talk to the Studentenwerk before changing your degree program or university.