
Students in the first semester of the international master's program in Architecture (DIA) at Anhalt University have tested the possibilities of computer-aided design and construction as part of a semester project. The result was a pavilion in the form of a wooden beam structure on a scale of 1:1. Doctoral student and lecturer Juanfra Garcia Guillen supervised the project together with technical assistant Carl Buchmann. Several working groups created different parametric designs in the CAD software Rhinoceros and the plug-in Grasshopper. All concepts were brought to model maturity and printed in ABS plastic on a reduced scale using 3D printers. For a favored design, the supporting elements were calculated, also with software support, and milled to exact dimensions in the robotics laboratory of the Department of Architecture, Facility Management and Geoinformation. This resulted in about 150 wooden elements including mortise and tenon joints, each with individual dimensions, for a precisely fitting assembly. Each component was provided with a QR code. Assembly was augmented reality-supported via Rhino and Grasshopper using VR goggles. The finished pavilion can be viewed on Dessau Campus in the foyer of Building 05 (Franz-Mehring-Strasse 21) until the summer semester of 2022.