
Natascha Meuser - Architecture [DIA] Semesterarbeit

Urban Nursery School

  • Children's Playhouse - The Urban Nursery School
  • Children's Playhouse - The Urban Nursery School
  • Children's Playhouse - The Urban Nursery School
  • Children's Playhouse - The Urban Nursery School
  • Children's Playhouse - The Urban Nursery School
  • Children's Playhouse - The Urban Nursery School

Children's Playhouse - The Urban Nursery School

Modular architecture
The design concept was to create children‘s playhouses and stroller storage as modular architectural components. The units will be prefabricated at a factory and then put together on the construction site. Speedier construction, less material waste, more standardised  production-processes and recyclable materials, conducive to protecting the environment, are the overarching priorities. The idea of varying individual units and combining them in a chain-like manner gives the kindergarten a strong, identifiable branding.

Diversity in Typology
As you can see, elements of different sizes and materials are strewn across the kinder-garten. They may look the same, but they have different functions. The house in the courtyard centre includes a resting area, an exhibition area, and a multi-functional area. The houses next to the road are designed for stroller storage. Design elements also take the form of a broad variation of tiny houses in the interior, i.e. a playhouse, sanitary booths, child healthcare spaces, and the sauna area.

Concatenation + Rhythm
New corridors and staircases were remodelled according to the existing buildings. The corridor becomes an important distributor of diverse functions such as multi-functional rooms, a kitchen, a resting area for parents or teachers, and much more. The corridor itself is a well-designed open space, important for circulation, and offers plenty of design elements, such as storage spaces, seating possibilities, drafting boards, and more. As  Goethe once said: »architecture is frozen music«. The different heights of the housing units form a rhythm; the new roofs are ‘dancing’ in front of the old building shapes, just like children.


Created by: Fangyuan Zhang

Completed on:   WS 2018