
Andrii Balyk, Calvin Dörnchen, Aleksei Morozov, Andrii Ovdieichuk, Daria Pukhareva, Vladislav Raskoshinskii, Annemarie Wittig - Data Science Semesterprojekt

Tourism Question Answering

Projekt: Tourism Question Answering

 “Question Answering & Chatbots”; Winter Semester 2019/2020; supervised by Prof. Dr. Andreas Both

While searching for travel locations that match the demands of the traveler sometimes a huge amount of time is invested by the users of web portals. Because of users’ limited resources (time/money), they want to plan their vacations carefully. On the other hand, spontaneously looking for attractions leads to dissatisfaction. The Tourism Question Answering system enables to search fast and precise for different kinds of activities all over the world using Natural Language interface. The system is capable to give an answer on the map for such queries as:

show me berlin / where is Berlin / what is location of berlin / location of Berlin
bars/restaurants in London / bars/restaurants close to London / restaurants nearby London
museums in Amsterdam / show me bars in Amsterdam
show me hotels in Budapest / Show me hotels close to Budapest / show me hotels nearby Budapest

The Tourism Question Answering system is designed in accordance with microservice architecture and based on OpenStreetMap data. Technologies that were used: Python, Leaflet, OpenStreetMap, Wikidata, Stardog, the Qanary framework and Docker.

Project partner: Hochschule Anhalt, Katja Englert

Project team:

  • Balyk, Andrii
  • Dörnchen, Calvin
  • Morozov, Aleksei
  • Ovdieichuk, Andrii
  • Pukhareva, Daria
  • Raskoshinskii, Vladislav
  • Wittig, Annemarie

Link to implementation: