Excursion to the nature reserve "Tote Täler" on June 19, 2020

Subject: Calcareous flora of semi-arid and arid grasslands in the dead valleys and aspects of grazing management with goats, sheep and horses

Meeting place:
8:00 at porter’s lodge of Bernburg Campus, carpooling or
10:00 in front of the Agrargesellschaft Großwilsdorf,
ends at approx. 16:00

The excursion site is the nature reserve and habitat area “Tote Täler” (southwest of Freyburg) near Naumburg in Southern Saxony-Anhalt. The area in the heat-soaked Unstrut valley is characterized by its particularly great wealth of species, especially of orchids.
The goal of the excursion is to present the flora of arid and semi-arid grasslands on limestone sites, the management of these habitats through different forms of grazing (year-round grazing with Koniks, rotational grazing with goats, common pasturage with sheep) as well as selected results from 10 years of nature conservation success monitoring.

Please bring clothes suitable for the weather, sturdy shoes and lunch! The excursion will be recognized as an excursion day (please bring excursion verification form!).

To form carpools, a sufficient number of students need to be willing to use private cars.

If you are interested, please register via the following link:

The number of participants per excursion is limited to 15. If the list is full, the waiting list may be used.

More information about the project here:

If you have any questions, contact martina.koehler@hs-anhalt.de or georg.hiller@hs-anhalt.de! martina.koehler(at)hs-anhalt.de georg.hiller(at)hs-anhalt.de