Landwirtschaft (B.Sc.)

Bachelor in Agriculture

Information about the degree program

The degree program in Agriculture in Bernburg provides fundamental and practical expertise and management skills for running businesses in primary production as well as in the upstream and downstream areas of agriculture. The content and structure of the bachelor's degree program are largely based on the previous “Diplom” program and continue to meet the special requirements of agricultural economics. Necessary reductions were achieved by streamlining theory sections and avoiding duplication, essentially without loss of quality.

The program teaches competencies in production and cost management, organization and control of procurement and sales, strategic and entrepreneurial thinking modalities, decision-making based on modern decision-making tools as well as cross-sector thinking and acting. This enables graduates to solve tasks using an approach combining scientific, economic and ecological requirements.

The degree program’s profile corresponds and is connected to the overall profile of the Department. With respect to content and teaching staff, there are close links with the degree program in Ecotrophology as well as with the degree programs in Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning as well as in Nature Conservation and Landscape Planning, which are offered as bachelor's and master's degree programs.

The master's degree program in Food and Agribusiness – which has been offered since 2001 – is designed, among other things, as a postgraduate program for graduates of the bachelor's degree program in Agriculture.

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