Mechanical Engineering (B.Eng.)

Department of of Electrical, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Course content and objectives

The program’s objective is to teach subject-area knowledge and engineering working methods. After completing their studies, graduates are optimally trained to be able to work more independently in the broad field of general mechanical engineering. During their studies, they receive a well-founded education in the areas of mechanics, constructions, production, materials, and computer science - in combination with method competence in various areas of application.
The job market is still very interested in highly educated experts in mechanical engineering. It is likely that the industry’s needs will continue to be greater than the number of university graduates in the future. The drastically decreasing product development times are continually demanding new solutions for innovative products and components, and work is often done in interdisciplinary teams with computer aided systems for design (CAD), for engineering (CAE), for production (CAM), and for review.

The education profile at Anhalt University enables graduates to work in nearly all industries in which engineering skills are required: this includes the automobile and supplier industry, mechanical and tool engineering, in research institutions and agencies, in quality assurance and monitoring, or as freelancers in engineering offices or in sales.


  • University entrance qualification
    • Abitur
    • Qualification for universities of applied science (Fachhochschulreife)
    • Master craftsman
    • or previous education or vocational training considered equivalent
  • Language skills
    • TestDAF Niveaustufe 4xTDN4
    • DSH2
    • or another acceptable German language certificate