Nature Conservation and Landscape Planning (B.Sc.)

Department of Agriculture, Ecotrophology, and Landscape Development

Course content and objectives

Graduates of the program have competences to plan and implement targeted strategies and measures in the area of nature conservation. They have well-founded knowledge of plant and animal species, in ecology, and in vegetation science - this combination is one-of-a-kind in Germany. They can process data in an integrative manner and make assessments as well as carry out specific targeted and implementation-oriented planning. Due to the broad education in combination with knowledge of landscape planning tools, legal principles, and ability to process data using modern information systems, graduates have excellent opportunities for careers in nature protection agencies at the federal and state level, in large protected areas (e.g. national parks, biosphere reserves), in national and international environmental and nature conservation organizations, in agencies for experts, planning, and engineering, in scientific and research institutions, and in consulting firms and companies’ expert divisions.


  • University entrance qualification
    • Abitur
    • Qualification for universities of applied science (Fachhochschulreife)
    • Master craftsman
    • Or previous education or vocational training considered equivalent
  • Language skills
    • TestDAF Niveaustufe 4xTDN4
    • DSH2
    • or another acceptable German language certificate