Human Resource Management (MA)

Human Resource Management (MA)

Future career prospects/ professional qualification skills

Human Resource Management is undoubtedly one of the most exciting and challenging fields in modern organizations. Megatrends such as Industry 4.0, advancing globalization and the consequences of demographic developments and changes in social values are permanently changing the job profile of “HR professionals”. While operational activities in personnel administration are becoming increasingly less important and are being incorporated into IT systems with self-service features, conceptual and strategic tasks continue to become more important. Key words such as strategic partner, employee champion, service expert or change agent describe these evolving fields in human resource management. The master's degree program in Human Resource Management aims to meet current developments with a special range of classes, a solid theoretical foundation and practice-relevant education. Students will be provided with comprehensive expertise in human resource management, which can be applied in their professional future. By integrating classes offered in other master's degree programs at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences - for example, the master's degree programs in Business Law and in Business Administration/Company Management - the program-specific modules in Human Resource Management are effectively and meaningfully complemented.

With their acquired skills, graduates can start their careers in lower to middle management positions and in senior specialist positions in human resource management in companies from various industries, as well as in personnel consulting companies with various focus areas. Future potential employment opportunities for graduates include the fields of personnel support, personnel development, talent management, employee relations, compensation & benefits,  personnel controlling and personnel risk management, or personnel recruiting. Graduates who have suitably specialized within this program are also qualified to do academic work, e.g., a doctorate.