
International students successfully completed the online course

Since 2020, as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences has carried out restricted teaching activities on all campuses in accordance with the regulations of the Safety and Health authorities of the State of Saxony Anhalt. Also, the MBA International Trade program has adjusted the teaching of professional courses according to these guidelines.Due to the pandemic situation and to ensure students can stay at home safely, modules of the MBA were taught in part using an online format. While using the Anhalt University network and Moodle platform, the academic communication between students and professors was not affected.Students from all over the world study hard online and actively interact and communicate with the professors both in and out of class. The professors of the Department of Economics in our university control the teaching quality strictly so that students can seriously and effectively complete the professional learning and assessment. At present, students are in the writing and defense stage of their master thesis.