
"Food force" - The power of food - FOOD4S from September 2020 funded by EU

Anhalt University of Applied Sciences is one of Germany's leading institutions in the field of food science. This is demonstrated not least by an international course of study on food science, technology and economics that has been offered very successfully since 2005. From 43 countries, 336 graduates already form a global network in this field.

In order to meet the current challenges, the course content has been supplemented by the aspect of sustainability and, at the beginning of the year, funding was applied for from the EU, which has now also been approved.

In the international FOOD4S (European Master of Science in Sustainable Food Systems Engineering, Technology and Business) program, students are trained to apply forward-looking food production techniques and to generate complex solutions for scientific and practical issues.

The European Commission was convinced by the concept of sustainable food production along the energy and food chains in the economic cycle of agriculture, innovative technologies and quantitative methods (predictive modeling, risk and safety assessment) within the framework of a horizontal, methodological and multidisciplinary approach focusing on environmental aspects.

Students receive the Master's degree (120 ECTS) after completing 2 years of compulsory and elective modules at 4 partner universities - KU Leuven, Gent; UC, Dublin; UCP, Porto; Hochschule Anhalt, Bernburg/Köthen - and conclude with the Master's thesis.

Initial enrollment will start as early as September 2020, and this EU funding will support master's degrees for the international FOOF4S program until 2026.

More information can be found on the website:
