After Admission

After Receiving MAC Admission

  • Before Arrival

    International students need to go through several authorities.

    Eight steps that you need to take before arrival:

    1. Check the Prerequisite for a further visa extension while studying and living in Germany. 
    2. Weather and living style in Germany.
    3. Check what you must bring with you.
    4. Apply for a place in a student dormitory or look for other accommodation options.
    5. Bring a minimum of 2,000 EUR in cash with you, it takes about 3 weeks before your blocked account is activated.
    6. Pay the two administration Fee for the MAC master program.
    7. Fill out the contact form of the international office for international students approx. 10 days before arrival!
  • Visa

    When you arrived in Germany with 3 months conditional visa, you have to settle down and complete the following tasks. afterwards you will be allowed to renew your visa. there will be people to guide you after reaching here.

    1. Complete the payment of tuition fees
    2. Housing contract (as you will need a German postal address)
    3. Open a bank account (e.g. Stadtsparkasse Dessau)
    4. Health insurance (it is a must)
    5. Complete your registration as MAC student in Anhalt University of Applied Sciences by showing Original certificate + document related to 1, 2, 3 & 4
    6. Apply for Visa renewal with 2, 4, 5 and your financial proof (that you have a source of money to continue your stay here in Dessau)

    Please visit:

  • Registration

    In order to register at the university and the city, you need to:

    1. Organize an accommodation, sign the contract for your accommodation
    2. Open a bank account
    3. Get a health insurance
    4. Get a German telephone number
    5. Register/enroll at Hochschule Anhalt / Student Service Center (SSC)
    6. Register at the Dessau town hall / Foreigners Office.

    For further information:









  • Accomodation

    Studentenwerk (student services) is an independent organization that is responsible for student housing in Dessau.

    For Dessau, you can also check in the Bauhaus guest house as many students live there as well. There is a "special" option for students. (You can live there temporarily for a few days as well.) 

    Also, for a short time, you can stay in the youth hostel in Dessau. You can stay in the club hostel in Dessau as well.

    There are many ways to find private housing in Germany. However, you should bear in mind that shortly before the semester starts, it will be more difficult to find a room. So take a look in advance. Usually, the rooms and apartments are offered unfurnished. Most of these apartments even do not have a kitchen.

    Useful websites for private housing:

    You also can check out the "DessauInternational" Facebook Group. People are always looking for a new roommate.

    If you have any questions, please contact the MAC student advisor Ms. Yili Lu.



















  • Formalities at the Hochschule Anhalt

    There are several steps you will have to do when you arrive in Dessau. These include getting a German address as well as registering at the town hall, opening a bank account, and organizing student health insurance. You also have to pay the semester fee; after that, you can be officially enrolled in MAC. To learn about the procedure, please download the document 'Enrollment and Registration'. After you have completed the paperwork, you will get your student's card as well as login data for your university email and the HISQIS platform.

    You will need your student email address to receive all information during the semester and the HISQIS platform to keep an overview of your grades and credits. You find all information about the Formalities on the Website of the Student Service Center of the HS Anhalt.







  • Appointments

    The safety and health of our students and staff are a key priority. Access to this university facility has thus been still reduced. 

    Please use the following contacts for your questions and queries:

    MAC Office: contact-mac(at)

    MAC Director (Studienfachberater): rudolf.lueckmann(at)

    MAC Course Organization Representative:

    MAC Student Advisor:

    Applications: SSC Contact Formular

    Examinations/enrollment: katrin.schneider(at)

    General Student Service: studienberatung(at)

    International Office: internationaloffice(at) 

    Limited appointment slots are available for urgent matters only. Please write to the person, you want to make an appointment with to arrange on a date. Persons who are asked to come to the office are requested to the follow hygiene regulations and to provide their own mask.






